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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past Page 24

  Caleb painfully watches the Sephillo racing up and into Paladin. Caleb is unable to leave Paladin to help bring in the survivors. Should Caleb leave the ships, it automatically will go into a default mode. The force field will shut down, stranding the remaining Sephillo from escaping.

  Another five minutes pass. Caleb looks up and clearly sees the massive fireball approaching. He yells to the Sephillo, “Move your tails now! We only have a few minutes left!”

  One of the Sephillo is down in the cavern and screams, “My grandfather is trapped under the debris, and I can’t save him.”

  Paladin tells Caleb, “Cale, we will need to shift out in three minutes. We will not be able to save them all.”

  Caleb looks down, as the last dozen race up the force field and into the hangar. Finally, Paladin says, “Cale, we need to leave now.”

  Caleb looks down at the Sephillo trying desperately to save her grandfather. Realizing that he has no chance to save them, Caleb lowers his head in agony saying to Paladin, “Shift.”

  Paladin shifts away, leaving the last two Sephillo behind. Paladin still cloaked exits null space back into high orbit. Paladin reports, “Cale, we are safely in orbit, you can attempt to shift back and save them both, but you only have forty-two seconds.”

  Caleb smiles, as he immediately shifts back to the planet just as the massive fireball is only seconds away. He sees the Sephillo crying, as it's unable to free her grandfather.

  Caleb moves at blinding speed, and hurls the massive boulder off the injured Sephillo. Caleb quickly grabs them both, and shifts back to Paladin.

  Back on the hangar deck, and surrounded by hundreds of Sephillo Caleb uses his healing power to save the dying Sephillo. The survivors are in complete awe, having never seen power like this.

  After several moments, Caleb stands up, as the blue glow subsides from him. He addresses the Sephillo, “I’m sorry that I could not do more to save your world. I will bring you to my world once I have completed my mission. There you and your people will be allowed to live in peace and safety.”

  The Sephillo, whom Caleb just saved stands upward, and asks, “Why did you save us?”

  Caleb lowers his head, as Paladin speaks for him, “Caleb is from a future timeline. He has come back in time to save as many of the victims of the Meli as he can. He is unable to do more for fear of changing the future too much. Should that occur, he himself would not exist.”

  Another Sephillo curious about Paladins statement asks, “You mean T-Challa, not Meli?”

  Caleb shakes his head answering, “The T-Challa are victims of the Meli same as you. The Meli is a psionic parasite that took over their Queen a thousand years ago, and corrupted all the T-Challa, making the once peaceful creatures a violent warmongering race. They are not the real enemy, just another victim of a single creature called, the Meli.”

  Many of the Sephillo begin talking amongst themselves, while others ask more questions of Caleb and Paladin. This continues for several hours.

  Finally, Caleb returns to the bridge. Paladin allows the Sephillo to find quarters, and begins to locate food stock to support Caleb’s newfound refugees, as they continue on their original course to the Phace’mal’s planet.

  Two additional months pass, as the Sephillo learn all there is about Caleb, Paladin and their history. They begin to help in any way they can with the ship's daily operation. They themselves are beings from an advanced space faring civilization.

  Paladin stops on two separate worlds, for the Sephillo to find supplies in order to sustain them for the long journey ahead. Caleb easily makes friends with all of the Sephillo becoming very close to the last two whom he saved. They are called Tet and Goi.

  Goi, the grandfather of Tet is currently on the bridge seeing Caleb sitting in the Captain’s chair meditating. He unobtrusively speaks, asking, “Excuse my interruption Caleb, could I ask a question of you?”

  Caleb smirks, as he opens his eyes. He smiles replying, “Goi, you may ask me anything you want. Paladin has previously told me that your people are perhaps one of the most inquisitive species he has ever encountered.”

  Goi humbled asks, “This world you are heading too, could I and my people be left on this world?”

  Caleb eyes go wide. Surprised, he asks, “Why would you want that Goi?”

  Goi lowers his head, shamed by his request, stating, “We have learned much of your people, and your intention to save as many of the alien races as you can. We have also learned that your race as a whole is very young, and that they will have difficulty in accepting us.”

  Caleb sighs, as he shakes his head, replying, “My race is an infant race yes, and they do suffer from short sight. Unfortunately, my friend, I’m afraid you must stay on the moons of the First ones. You see, if your people are discovered in this new timeline it would alter events. Possibly causing a paradox that will erase everything, including your people.”

  Goi lowers his head and states, “Yes Caleb, you are right. I just hope that your people will accept us.”

  Caleb says, “The moon of the First ones is massive in size. If you so choose, I’m sure you can isolate your people to one of the many massive domed cities if you so want. However, my hope is that you will help educate my race and help them accept alien races as our friends, and allies.”

  Goi asks, “Is that the human in you, asking, or the X’ena in you?”

  Paladin responds, “Goi, Caleb is the same man he has always been. My influence has been only able to show him his true purpose in the universe.”

  Caleb smirks, saying, “If it makes you feel better Goi, my people don’t like me very much either.”

  Paladin the alerts Caleb, “Cale, we are now one shift away from the Phace’mal’s planet. We will have full power to complete the shift within one hour.”

  Caleb shakes his head, and says to Goi, “Excuse me if you will Goi, but I have a promise to keep.”

  Caleb heads down to the hangar deck, where he prepares the masking field generator he brought back from the future. After the hour passes, Paladin completes its shift to the planet, and rapidly begins its descent to the planet’s surface. Several Sephillo appear in the hangar deck, as Caleb prepares to carry the massive generator.

  Tet stands in the foreground, asking, “Caleb, may we help?”

  Caleb smiles and says, “Thank you for your offer, but this is something I must do by myself.”

  Paladin tells Caleb telepathically, “Cale, most of the Sephillo are planning on remaining on this world, against your wishes.”

  Caleb looks over the group asks, “If I did let them stay here, what would be the outcome to the timeline?”

  Paladin replies, “Although they will try to maintain their promise to stay out the timeline. It is very unlikely that they will be able to keep that promise for the thousands of years needed. It is more likely that in a generation, or more, the Sephillo will use the generator to create advanced technology, and use the crystal entities to exact revenge against the T-Challa.”

  Caleb looks sternly to the Sephillo, saying, “If you attempt to leave this ship I will have to bring you back. You will not be allowed to endanger the timeline.”

  Tet, surprised at Caleb revelation asks, Caleb, “We are not going to interfere with the timeline. We just wish to live in peace.”

  Caleb lowers his head and says, “On my world there is a saying, which says if you save a life you’re responsible for that life. I am responsible for your lives, and although you may be able to keep your word, you could not guarantee that of all your descendants, especially for next two thousand years. You are not my prisoners, but you have only two choices before you. One, you return with me to the Paladonian system, where I can personally guarantee your safety and freedom. Provided you obey the laws of our people, or you can be returned to your planet, where I once saved you from.”

  Tet shocked, responds, “Our home world is now a wasteland. We would die.”

  Caleb looks to Tet and says, “Death is inevit
able, I can only give you the chance to rebuild your people, and start anew, or, end your race's existence. I will not allow you to destroy all that has been sacrificed. I must keep my word, to all that have already sacrificed everything to allow me to make it to this point.” Caleb pauses as he stares at the crowd who are in total shock at Caleb’s statements. He then lifts the massive generator as if its immense size and weight were nothing and walks out of the hangar.

  Tet walks to the hangar doors, as Goi suddenly appears. Seeing the large crowd Goi asks, “What are you all doing here?”

  Tet looks to her grandfather, saying, “Caleb has forbidden us to settle on this world, so we are considering leaving anyways.”

  Goi angered yells, “You will not defy his wishes! You have asked me to speak to Caleb on this matter, and I have done so. He has made us a counter offer, which I have accepted, and we will abide by my judgment. Am I clear?”

  The Sephillo stand back, as they accept the word of the elder Sephillo, Goi.

  On the planet surface, Caleb walks out into a huge field of energy crystals carrying the colossal device built by Noskcaj. Caleb approaches the same large cluster of crystals that he had seen in the previous timeline. He places the masking field generator at the edge of the large concentration of crystals. Caleb pulls off his glove to make physical contact with the very same crystal he had touched before. The reaction is instantaneous, as Caleb and the Phace’mal transfer all their knowledge. Within a moment it is done, as Caleb sheds a tear. An emotional response he has not allowed himself for many years.

  Caleb attaches the power supply to the crystal entities, and the planet energy source is masked. It will be able to hide the Phace’mal from some of the strongest scanners of the next thousand years.

  Caleb rises up, and looks over to Paladin. He slowly returns, fully expecting most of the Sephillo have deserted.

  Much to his surprise, he is shocked to find them all in the hangar deck awaiting his return, with Goi standing before them.

  Caleb smiles, as he shakes his head in appreciation of their respect for abiding to his wishes. Without speaking, Caleb walks directly to the bridge as Paladin begins its long journey back home.



  The year is two hundred and ninety-nine A. D. Reginald Whitefeather has long since retired from office. He has aged considerably over the past two centuries, and the Paladonian people under his leadership have developed into a thriving civilization.

  White removed himself from the moon of the First ones long ago, and moved to the moon, which bears his namesake. White is also aware that today is his last day. The Doctors have all told him his life force energy is all but gone. They have given him less than a week to live and today is the end of that week.

  He sits on a massive boulder overlooking a majestic ocean in front of his home as he waits for the end. Rachel is by his side, as she cries, knowing that this is their last day together.

  Caleb, and Benton, standoff in the crowd along with dozens of their descendants. Spanning hundreds of years, and covering many generations of their kin, from their very own children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and so on. All of whom are allowing the two Reg, and Rachel, to have some privacy.

  Benton visibly upset says, “You know Cale, I never realized how tough this was going to be. I have watched a lot of our friends grow old and die. I have learned to deal with it, but I avoided ever thinking about Reg or Rachel dying. Now Reg is finally dying, and all I wish is that I could give him what I have.”

  Caleb smiles briefly, knowing he could do just that, but he is not sure how the result would be. He could just as easily end up killing them both, so instead he says, “Gabe, I’ve been dreading this since the first time I learned that I would live as long as I will. With that now being increased even longer, it has only made it worse. It’s why I don’t let myself get close to anyone.”

  Rachel stands up sobbing as Reg stares out at the ocean. She approaches Caleb, saying, “Cale, he wants to talk to you alone.” Rachel sobs more, as her children surround her and console her.

  Caleb approaches Reggie, as he stares out at the ocean. He turns to Caleb, and asks, “Cale, what will happen to me?”

  Caleb takes in a deep breath and says, “We are all energy Reg.”

  White confused asks, “Energy, really Cale? That’s all you got?”

  Caleb grins, as he says more clearly, “Energy. It cannot be created, or destroyed. It can only be changed. The human body is comprised of a large amount of energy. That energy has many different names throughout a multitude of different cultures, faiths, and sciences. Some call this energy, the soul, other Chi, Ki, or Manna. Some try to study it, or label it, but no matter what it is called. It is still just energy, and energy can never be destroyed. What does that mean to us? Well my friend, it means that our bodies may end, but the energy within us does not. Science and religion both can agree on this. Energy cannot be destroyed, just changed.”

  White smirks, saying, “That took a lot out of yah, didn’t it Cale.”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “Reg, I’m not the one for great speeches, that was always you and Jacks gig.”

  White asks, extending his hand out, “Cale, can you give me a hand up?”

  Caleb pulls White to his feet, and the two walk over to Whites massive family and friends. Hundreds of people have gathered as they honor Reginald Whitefeather.

  White slowly walks into his home, with his wife Rachel following closely behind. He stands before a mirror, and sees his reflection. He has aged a lot over the centuries. He smiles, as Rachel wraps her arms around him sobbing. White still smiling, “Well, I don’t look that bald or wrinkly, especially for a man pushing two hundred and fifty-seven.”

  Rachel laughs, saying, “Now you’re talking sexy.”

  White feels his body grow weak, as he collapses to the floor.

  Rachel screams, “Cale!”

  Caleb races in, as White lies in Rachel’s lap. He sees Caleb coming and says, “Sorry Cale, there’s nothing you can do to stop this, but can I ask one thing.”

  Caleb confused replies, “Whatever I have Reg, it’s yours.”

  White takes a deep breath, saying, “Watch out for my family.”

  White takes his last breath and kisses Rachel. He passes quietly.

  Rachel screams out, “NOOOOOO!” She sobs uncontrollably.

  Caleb lowers his head, as he feels the tug of Paladin warning him that his time off the ship is at an end. He places his hand on Rachel, saying, “Honor is a trait not often found in men, but when it is, it can change everything. Reggie was the most honorable man I knew.” Caleb, now feeling the overpowering stress of being off Paladin for so long has no more time. He shifts away and back onto Paladin, collapsing on the deck, having pushed himself further than he ever should have.

  Benton than places his hand on Rachel, saying, “Cale pushed himself to stay as long as he could. I know I’m no consolation prize, but I’m here for you.”

  Rachel sobs, holding onto Reggie lifeless body.

  Back to present day. Rachel smiles, as she now notices Caleb, and Gabriel, standing amongst her very sizeable family. Rachel, smiling, asks, “Listening to my story, luv?”

  Gabe curious asks, “Ya know Rachel. I’ve heard you tell that story a hundred times, and you always get it right, but I gotta ask. How the hell did you know so much about what you didn’t even see?”

  Caleb chuckles, saying, “Gabe, she was the Flower stones very first contact. She knew everything that was going to happen, and did happen, and what may yet come to pass.”

  Rachel says, “Well, I may have seen it all in my mind, but I never did understand it, and then most of it I didn’t see until after.”

  Cooley gets up off the very same bolder, which seventy-five years earlier her husband Reggie sat on just before his death. She begins to walk to her home. With hundreds of children all dancing around her, but as she walks she stumbles. Caleb reacts quickly catc
hing her before she falls to the ground.

  She feels a momentary weakness as she asks, “Cale, can you please let me lay down here for a moment.”

  Caleb complies as he knells besides her, holding her head. Gabe grabs her hand, a tear in his eye. She looks up smiling as the last image she had seen finally comes to fruition. Rachel Cooley Whitefeather smiles, as she finally passes.


  The Paladonians Book 5

  Family Ties Book 6

  Enemy Myself Book 7

  Hope Book 8

  Begin Again Book 9

  Coming soon