The Ocoda Chronicles Book 4 Present Future Past Read online

Page 21

Several weeks pass, as the people now called the Paladonians begin to establish themselves on the first moon. A council of seven is created, one to represent each moon. The Council and Caleb names and establish what each moon will be used for, for the overall good of the civilization. The first moon after being called the First moon so often retains its name as the moon of the First ones. This moon is under the leadership of White himself, and the moon of the First ones will be the political center of the Paladonian people. White is unanimously voted by the council to be the leader of the council body.

  The second moon is the largest of all the moons and becomes known as Bentonia. Governed by Benton himself, he focuses his moon to be the military power center, working on weaponry and battleship construction. Its cities are basic and drab, but capable for its purpose.

  The third moon is given the name of Onatof. This moon becomes the center for scientific research and development. This moon’s cities are breathtaking, and its overall architectural design is spectacular. The first council leader of this world is given to a young scientist named Dorian. Dorian is a tactful negotiator, and a very determined young man who barely survived the Halimag assault on Paladin. This event in combination with his time on Skull has left little trust in his fellow man.

  The fourth moon is given the name Rooke. This moon focuses its resources on becoming a cultural and religious center, as its cities seem to climb high up to the skies. The overall design is much like the Onatof moon, but with a deep sense of care taken into every part of these magnificent cities. The first council leader of this world is a member of Rooke’s original strike team. He is called Edgar, and he much like Dorian is a determined man who has many reservations of the destiny that they have been asked to care for.

  The fifth moon is given the name Valens. This moon will become a scientific research and farming center, as it only has a few major cities, but vast farming villages that encompass the entire moon. Caleb steps in and personally appoints a woman in charge of this world she is called Odette, a simple woman with no desire to lead, or want of power. Nevertheless, Caleb found in her heart a noble soul who during their dangerous missions spent the majority of her time helping the other survivors cope and deal with the stress of their journey.

  The sixth moon is given the name of Uari, as Uari himself becomes its leader. He focuses the moon resources onto a scientific and military research, as this world much like Bentonia is a world of very little flare or elegance, but a city of basic needs and simple designs. The moon appears to have been one that was a major producer of overall goods and shipping with vast spaceports and multiple factories. Now under Uari’s leadership he plans on retooling this world to be one of prominence amongst the Paladonian people.

  The final moon will take over thirty years to be habitable, with terraforming at its current level, and no name is given to this moon as of yet. However, Cooley is given council leadership of the world. Although she has, yet to decide this moon’s fate. Also, considering the moon has no population, it therefore has no real vote on the council. Therefore, the seat is only honoree. Regardless of its designation, the world is one of many questions, as its cities rival the designs of the Rooke and Onatof worlds, but it seems completely void of any intelligent life. Overall scans show that the world was at one time the exact same as the others, but was terraformed to its current state. Currently the equipment is present to reverse the high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the Paladonian people have begun to do so.

  Early discovery shows that the previous civilization had left their cities intact. Most of the automated systems prevented decay of their civilization, and those same automated systems kept the flora and fauna from wreaking havoc. The culture left no sign of their past, no statues, and no data files. Nothing of any true value was left behind to show who, or what, created this civilization. They just simply disappeared. Thankfully, their technology was well within the current levels of an advanced civilization, with hover cars, advanced medical centers, mass automated transit systems and automated drones, but no weaponry. Overall, the technology was similar to what most of the survivors from the future timeline had grown up with; which allowed the survivors to adapt quickly to this technology aiding them, as they began working on developing their civilization.

  The first order of business is set by Caleb. He sits down with White and the rest of the council, stating, “I am fully aware that in the future, the Paladonians could become a viable threat, instead of an ally to the Earth, and I have no misconceptions that this civilization could easily become lost in their way. Regardless of what may come to pass, I plan on doing whatever I can to ensure that peace and cooperation are foremost important to our future generation, so I’ve decided to enact a few prime laws regarding the use of X’ena technology. They list as follows.

  One: To maintain this timeline for the Paladonian’s own survival.

  Two: To save Jackson, so that he may protect Carla.

  Three: Ally themselves unconditionally with the Earth in a joint effort to defeat the T-Challa Empire, provided that the Earth doesn't attempt to interfere with the Paladonian government’s ability to self-rule.

  Fourth: No one is to worship me, or use my name in any attempt to gain power. Anyone that does this is a moron.

  Fifth and final: If possible, they must try and save Emily and Domingo. This rule is not mandatory, nor an offense to the four previous laws. However, should the Paladonian's faultier in any way on the other four laws, a general shutdown order will enact. This shutdown, however, requires one of three people to complete the shutdown order.”

  Caleb pauses, as he studies the room’s reaction. Continuing, “Jackson will have the ability to enact the prime laws. Carla will also have this power, and finally, Gabriel will be the third.”

  White concerned asks, “Cale, no offense, but your daughter could still fall victim to the Meli. Giving her the power to stop us would be a mistake.”

  Caleb shakes his head understanding Whites concern. He smiles, saying, “I will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn’t happen Reggie. You have my word on that.”

  Edgar the council elect for the moon Rooke is also very concerned and speaks up, “No offense master Caleb, but you risk much for our civilization with these prime laws.”

  White stands up, and speaks very clearly answering Edgar’s concerns, stating, “I have known Caleb longer than any other in this room. So let me be clear, if he says he will do something. He will do it. Caleb doesn’t know how to fail.”

  Caleb smiles, saying, “First off council leader Edgar, don’t call me master. Please. Secondly, I will leave a device here on this moon. This device will be needed for her to enact the prime laws, which your descendants will give to her after her twentieth birthday. I will spend every waking minute of my life filling this device with my teachings. It will also possess the ability to trap the Meli. This must be given to her first, before she will have access to engage any of the prime laws. That should solve all your fears.”

  Uari shakes his head in agreement, but asks, “Caleb, what of the Earth ships? Will you not impose a similar law on them?”

  Caleb stares at Uari says, “I have already programmed blocks on all Earth X’ena technology. This will prevent either side from using X’ena base technology against another human.”

  Dorian the council leader of Onatof speaks up, asking, “Caleb, our people have long learned how to bypass the Paladin protocols in our timeline. Most of the scientist with us, all know how to remove those blocks. What's to prevent us from doing so again?”

  Caleb smiles as he states, “What you say is true Dorian. You can remove the blocks, but only on Earth ships. All new construction of Paladonian ships and technology will use an altered technology. This technology was specifically created by Paladin and me, and although it still shares the same core programs, you will not be able to remove them as you did in the previous timeline. However, you will be able to remove the blocks on the Earth ships. But somehow
I seriously doubt that you or any other Paladonian will be giving the Earth ships any advantage over you.”

  Benton sits back, staring at Caleb and asks, “Can Celesta still blast anything it wants?”

  Caleb chuckles, stating, “Celesta, just as Paladin is able to fire on any ship.”

  White looks over at Benton laughing, “Feel better you big bully.”

  Benton smirks, replying, “Hey, you might be the head honcho, but I can still take your milk money.”

  Caleb then states, “The most southern domed cities on this moon will be quarantined and off limits to everyone, until further notice.”

  White curious, asks, “Cale, that’s some of the largest domed cities on this moon. You really need that much room?”

  Caleb says, “Reg, I need you to trust me on this. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”

  Edgar says, “Well, you are the savior of us all, I’m sure we can allow you some latitude for a few months.”

  Benton clearly not amused at Edgar’s statement looks at Edgar, saying, “If Cale needs anything from any of us, he doesn’t need to ask pinhead. He is only telling us as a courtesy, so when he’s done with whatever he’s doing, he’ll let you know.”

  Caleb smiles, as he states, “This will be my first and last involvement within the realm of the council laws and rules. I will not interfere in any way in which you wish to govern yourself. I have also given each of you a gift to help you rule justly. I have placed in orbit around each moon multiple satellites that can survive for thousands of years. They will be able to act as GPS, weather, communication, and security for the populations of each moon.”

  Council elect Odette of the Valens moon becomes concerned, asking, “Caleb, what do you mean by security?”

  Caleb nonchalantly responds, “Each satellite is capable of recording every event on their individual moon’s surface. It will be able to report any crime in full detail. This will be able to prevent murder, robbery, assault, and whatever other crimes you deem necessary to uphold within your cultures.”

  Council member Edgar of the Rooke moon is visibly upset, asking, “And just who will be the keeper of these records, and who will be allowed access to them?”

  Caleb still unconcerned replies, “That will be for you and your own moons council to decide. I only supply you a means to keep your laws, and keep your governments just. You yourself will make the decision on who will be responsible for being the keeper of these records. I will no longer interfere, unless called upon by this council to speak or aid in whatever way I can.”

  Caleb stands back from the table and uses a shift cloak, exiting the room back to Paladin.

  The council room erupts into utter chaos, as Dorian from the moon Onatof, and Edgar from the moon Rooke both stand up yelling.

  Dorian screams, “What gives him the right to decide to place these devices in orbit of my people’s moon!”

  Edgar visibly upset states, “It’s just like being back under the control of Noskcaj.”

  Uari still seated speaks calmly, stating, “Really? You compare a deranged psychotic half man, half machine, who was trying to enslave us to do his every bidding to Caleb. Who is giving us a means to prevent crime against our fellow man, a means for which we here in the council will decide on how it will be used. I’m sorry to you both of you if you cannot see the difference, but perhaps neither of you are capable of leading your perspective moons with such distorted views of reality.”

  Dorian scowls at Uari, asking, “And just how did one Noskcaj most precious attack dog get so far in this government?”

  Uari now enraged, gets up from his seat. He looks at Dorian, and threatening him, he yells, “Dog! Why don’t we step outside Dorian! I’ll show you how this dog acts.”

  White, who is sitting next to Benton is clearly annoyed, and says to Benton, “I now know why Caleb stuck me in this position.”

  Benton, who is enjoying the arguing council members, seems unconcerned with White’s comments saying aloud, “I got a case of twenty-year-old scotch, on Uari mopping the floor with the pencil neck geek.”

  White puts his hands over his face and slowly drags them down over his face, finally saying aloud, “Enough!”

  The room stops, and turns to White, who pauses for a moment, waiting for the room to become silent.

  Benton turns towards White, waiting for him to speak.

  White stands up, with as much resolve as he has ever had, stating, “We have been given a mission to save the human race, and we are a major part of that miss…” White stops himself briefly, studying the room he continues, “Look. We need to work together in order for us to succeed. We need to understand that it’s not about us, or about this time. It’s about the next two thousand years, and we need to succeed.”

  Odette, who has not spoken much, finally says, “Council White, you speak as if we are destined to save the Earth, but we don’t know what our destiny should be. We only know what you want us to do for you.”

  White takes in a deep breath, and speaks from his heart, saying, “Destiny is a belief. It is not based on facts, or statistics. We believe we are destined to succeed. We believe that what we do will flourish. Belief is the hope for success. The hope of something more to this existence which is just before us, the ambition that thrusts us past the realm of settling for mediocrity, and sets us on a path to find more, we are not destined to succeed, but we can will ourselves to succeed.”

  White pauses, as he realizes the statement he has just said is even more profound he originally recognized. He lets his words sink into each of the council members as he says, “Odette, you say you only know what we want you to do. Well, that’s true, but you know what we sacrificed to get here, and what more we will need to sacrifice to prevent that future from which we saved you and most everyone else here from ever coming to pass. You say you only know what we want. Well, I would say if you want your descendants to return to the life we just saved you from then do nothing. However, if you want a chance to allow the human race a chance to survive. You need to stand together with me.”

  The room sits down in silence, as White remains standing. Waiting patiently for anyone to challenge him, after a few moments, he realizes that no one is. White smiles and says, “Now let’s sit down, and start to discuss how we build our new civilization.”



  Several months pass without incident. The Paladonian gateways are still a year and half away from completion.

  With the approval of the council, Gabriel Benton has been given permission to start retrieving the lost humans of Earth's history’s past. Their goal is to augment the population on the Paladonians. Benton is in command of Celesta, which is now primarily using its automated systems. This allows Benton to fly the massive battleship by himself. The ship itself is staffed by four hundred well-trained marines, all experts in shifting and retrieval.

  All of the marines are equipped with some of the most sophisticated devices of the Paladonian people. Such as the Paladonian cloak, which allows the user to cloak and shift through null space. They also carry an array of weapons, rifles, pistols, and grenades. All specialized for stunning. They’re also equipped with a new discovery created by the scientist on the Valens moon, with Paladins assistance. It is a genetic D.N.A. scanner. This device can scan a person’s D.N.A. to see if they are important to the timeline. It will determine if a person is to be left behind on Earth, or is able to be brought back to the Paladonian moons.

  This is the first mission to Earth. Their main target is the famed Roman ninth legion, also known as the Lost Legion. Their location is northern Europe, Great Britain, just south of York. The year is one hundred and one A.D.

  Celesta reports, “Sunshine, we are in orbit above Earth. I have done a complete scan of the planet and have found the Roman legion, exactly where history shows them to be. I have also discovered four other possible targets, which we can attempt to retrieve as well.”

  Benton sits b
ack in his chair and asks, “Ok Celesta, what do you have for additional targets?”

  Celesta pulls up a holoimage of four Germanic ships approaching a violent storm, located, between Iceland and Greenland. She reports, “According to Paladin’s data, these four ships show no record of ever reaching the Greenland coast. I currently show over one hundred and forty-six humans, mostly women and children, I see no way for those ships to outrun, let alone survive this approaching storm.”

  Benton studies the holoimage for several minutes, before finally calling up the Marine Commander. After a few minutes, several men shift onto the bridge. The Captain of these men is named Captain Brian D’Souza. He is one of the original one hundred original survivors from Earth, a longtime friend and confidant of Benton. He asks, “You called Colonel?”

  Benton still eyeing the holoimage, states his plan to the Captain, “Cap, before we start bringing up these Romans. I’m figuring we can try a practice run.” He points to the holoimage, going into further detail, “I want you and your crew to shift down to these four ships. We will wait till they are just about to hit that storm front, shifting them all back to the holding area in the hangar bay.”

  Captain D’Souza studies the holoimage replying, “No problem Colonel, but we will not be able to use the D.N.A. scanners to make sure it’s safe to bring them aboard.”

  Benton asks Celesta, “Celesta, any suggestions on that one?”

  Celesta responds, “The effect of phase shifting should render them all unconscious. Once we have them all on board, we can safely scan them, determining who we save and whom we return.”

  D’Souza, staring at the storm front chuckles, “I really doubt that any of these people could survive that storm.”

  Benton turns to the Captain and says, “Ok Cap, go bring ’em back.”

  Several minutes later, Captain D’Souza sets up his company going over his operation. He states, “I’ll take one hundred and fifty men for our first snatch and grab mission. The plan is as simple as its code name. My company will shift down to all the ships. We will shift as close to our targets as possible, and immediately shift back, taking them all in one shift. Four of us will remain to secure the ships while these people are brought back to Celesta and scanned. If any need be returned, that will be done before they can recover from the effects of phase shifting. The entire operation should take less than five minutes.” D’Souza turns to Bravo Company, stating, “While I lead this operation I want Bravo Company to shift down around the ninth Roman legion, you will need to begin the D.N.A. scans. We all leave in three minutes.”